User Feedback

The opinions expressed below are solely by those who have purchased my products. In no way do I make or should anyone assume these statement to be qualified medical claims or a promise of product performance. As with all maladies and conditions one should seek qualified medical professionals as their first go to for assistance.

I can feel the mental clarity ring is doing something and I AM excited to share it with my daughter who has lots of issues because of brain trauma since childhood. D. F. , Colorado

Your sacred (tensor) rings have restored balance to our energetic environment at home. I placed one ring (Meter Ring) on our smart meter outside and the other ring (Sacred 1 cubit) around my knee during nighttime. Both myself and my wife felt an improvement in energy and mood the next day–more clarity of mind, more energy and less joint pain. Placing the ring around the smart meter helped curb the parasitic and suppressive frequencies that ride on top of our power grid from entering our home. As a side note, I make orgone devices and your tensor rings were the missing link which brought it all together. D.G., Washington

Happy to report that our little “aggressive and hyperactive” boxer settled down immediately when I put the sacred ring on her collar. She has just become more mellow throughout the day. This is such a help to everyone in the home as her normal behavior is very disruptive. Many thanks for creating this product. I also want to say that ever since I put on the infinity ring, (ring with Lapis) I have noticed a distinct uptake in my level of joy. I’m pretty happy normally, but now there is a definite improvement in that area. The happier, the better. Sleep has also improved.  S.H., Colorado

Hello Alan, Thank you for the necklace (1/4 Sacred coupled with a small Joyful pendant). I started feeling better within 30 minutes. I’ll see ya at the fair! I appreciate your work and  looking forward to having the property have the same effect. E.M., Colorado

I have been wearing the ring (Sacred pendant) for over a week. I have noticed a reduction in my levels of anxiety, and I am sleeping better. I am also finding more focus and intent. In my last visit(zoom) call with Dr. J M she suggested that I increase my level of protection.  In the past I have tried certain crystals, but I never was able to feel a difference. It is beautiful. I am grateful that you responded so quickly. I will be placing another order soon.  Thank you, D F, Colorado

I wanted to let you know how I have been doing with the necklace (Mental Clarity ring). Seems to be working nicely. I know that I have had a clearer head and been able to do a lot of writing because of that. So that’s good news. Also, find that I am organizing things and clearing out things. Also good. Spirit is good. Clarity has brought better problem-solving.   S. H., Colorado

WOW… literally, within a minute I had that Ring (Meter Ring) on the breaker box… the house ‘calmed’. I am sitting here at my desk with the Shungite still in a baggie and the rings on my phone.. and I just feel CALM.     wowowowow       Thank you, ~N

We bought a few of your AWESOME tools last year and LOVE them!  Every once in a while I pop back in to see if you have something new and you did, it tickled me!  I REALLY like the Joy pendant we bought before. I can tell a difference in mood within minutes of putting it around my neck, like magic ;~)  Thanks for all you do to help others, we truly appreciate it!  Sincerely, F S, West Virginia

I slept for 7 hours in a row for the first time in a long time. Hopefully it’s the Sacred ring’s and that will keep up!   Thank you, Allie, Nebraska 

I purchased the Protection and Cleanse pendant with shungite. I tested it on my DC trip. When I arrived I was dizzy and nauseous from the influx of harsh energies. I was disappointed because I had a speaking engagement the next day. I remembered that I left the pendant in my bag and put it on. I felt better in 2 minutes. I even slept in it . . . I just ordered the Cellular Harmony detox to put over my abdomen when I do ion foot baths at home a few times a week. Looking forward to see how this helps. Next step is to put the Concentric protection rings up that I bought and then take them on my NYE cruise. I will see you at the fair with some updates!!!    Thank you, Suzanne, Colorado

I met you at M*****’s Place a couple weekends ago, I had the twin daughters and one was at the Air Force academy- I wanted to let you know that the daughter at the academy said she is feeling better overall and that she feels more calm, which is a good thing! (Sacred pendant)     Thanks, Lorrie, Colorado

I wanted to give you an update on my husband since he began wearing the combo Sacred and Protect/Cleanse necklaces. I told him they should be worn at all times, and would protect him during his sleep from attack such as he was experiencing. I have seen a marked improvement, miraculous, really…since he began wearing it.  He did take it off once during the first 24 hours, but I reminded him that he’s supposed to wear it all the time, and he’s been wearing it now for 11 days.  The dark and heavy energies seem to have completely lifted from him.  He is cheerful, engaged, affectionate, interested in being outside and talking with hope in his heart about future opportunities. I am so amazed, I believe the necklace is responsible for such a drastic change.  I asked him a few days ago whether he’d been having any dangerous negative thoughts lately, and he said not for a few days at all.  This truly is a miraculous change, and I am very grateful for the assistance you gave through your cleanse and protect and sacred rings.  L B, Nebraska

We purchased some rings from you about 2 weeks ago in Loveland at the Events Center, Sacred pendants, 1 cubit Sacred and Meter Kit. I installed the Meter Ring on the electric meter. I could not enter a deep sleep to save my soul – lots of visions and mental activity. This light sleep continued for several days so I went to the meter, removed the ring, and flipped it over and secured it.  That evening, we slept deeply. Every day since have been days where we have all the energy we need to get everything done, we are sleeping deeply with many dreams, and awaken refreshed. My wife has had fewer aches and pains in the neck and shoulders. My arthritis in my knee and hip is getting less painful each morning. My wife and I feel an increased peace and relaxing vibe in the house, resulting in very few conflicts and/or misunderstandings. We are all wearing our personal rings while out of the house. My wife was having problems when around bluetooth devices and at her workplace (saturated in dirty electrosmog and EMFs). Since she is wearing the sacred ring around her neck, she experiences none of these EMF sensitivity symptoms. We will keep you posted. Thanks again for making these products and for taking the time to educate us at the show.                                        Peace – M, K, and Z, Colorado

Thanks again for the Geo Rods and rings! Feels much better in our house. Feels less spooky and heavy, etc. also- my new work from home job had increased my hours from 10-20 a week and has now asked me to come on full time! So I know blocks are being removed. My husband is also being included in more meetings at work that are a high priority for the company.    Thanks again, R S, Wyoming

I got your Concentric Protection rings and GeoRestoration Rods installed and can tell they were working instantly. I had a headache and then got lightheaded. Then my twins that always wake up multiple times per night being attacked, have slept all night both nights as well and are in much better moods. Also, I’d love to refer three friends to you.                                       Thanks again! S, Wyoming 

When I first got the products I lay them on the counter my cat made her way to them and I found her sitting in the Sacred ring and when she got her own she would lie on it of her own free choice. We are both happier in our abode because of the rings. I used the GeoRestoration rods in my horses paddock, the paddock is more coherent and my horse is much more relaxed. I am so pleased to have Alan’s products for me and my furry beauties.    Best, C, California

We received our Sacred pendants yesterday, thank you! I believe I felt their effects before they even got to our mailbox yesterday. They provided much needed emotional relief for other things on our schedule last night and my husband was completely floored. We would like to order the same items again so we each have both on us.  We would also like to order the EMF altering Meter Kit. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!                               Make it a good day, F S, West Virginia

I have Alan’s rings on everything I can think of. One day it dawned on me that I should get them for my horse, Rosie. I put the Geo Rods in her pasture, a Concentric Protect and Cleanse ring in her loafing shed, and a small Sacred Cubit ring on each side of her loafing shed. The energy on our land was chaotic and these balanced that out which brought forward a calmness in Rosie. I feel incredibly blessed to have Alan in my life and access to the healing power of his rings. He is a gift to this planet!                                            Julie, Colorado

I like to thank you for your magic copper bracelet! (1.5 cubit 4 wire Sacred) One month ago I had a left hand fusion operation done. I was prescribed o*******e medication for severe pain, I took them only for a couple of days…as I didn’t like the feeling of those pills, I stopped taking them. I started using your bracelet and put it over my cast, at night and during the day as much as I could. One night I forgot to wear the bracelet and my hand was hurting quite a bit…I put it back on and in seconds the pain disappeared! I am still healing and continue wearing the bracelet over my cast. It works for me… how much better is this healing than drugs!!   Monique, Colorado

Thank you for the foot bracelet! (four wire 1/2 Sacred Cubit) I had excruciating foot pain off and on for years(15) but the 4 days before I got it were some of the worst in recent memory. That night I slipped it over my toes and did not take my normal four A***e tablets before bed. When I woke up the next morning I could not believe it. The pain was gone! I never in my wildest dreams expected such dramatic and speedy results. I expect it doesn’t work that way for everyone but it honestly did for me. Thanks for making such a great product! It changed my life!                                                                                                        J B, Colorado

We are testing out the magnificent Infinity with Shamanite ring on Miss Coco and she hasn’t barked once since it’s been on. (30 minutes or so). I took it off briefly and she stayed glued to my hand that I was holding it in and was ready for it to go back on! Thank you for this unbelievable service you are providing the world with.                                   What a gift! A A, Colorado

I acquired these amazing things at the First Spiritual Science Church Metaphysical Fairs hopefully I’ll be doing a lot more grounding and intending and a lot less floundering : )! Love your work Alan Drobnak and hope to have you on my radio show very soon.       Mahalo E L, Colorado

I placed the GeoRestoration rods around a clients house. I also had her daughter put my Protect & Cleanse necklace on and it immediately took an entity from her so I gave her mine. Now I need a Concentric Protection thing to hang on the wall and another necklace. The energy around their house after I put the rods in was amazing my hands were tingling like when they wake up from sleep. I hung the amulet in the bedroom. I put the rods on the outside of the house it seemed to quiet everything down. I was glad I was able to watch the necklace work and feel what the rods did.  M W, Colorado

Hi Alan. It’s Dr. A. I just wanted to thank you for the rings and let you know that the three ring set (3.5 cubit Sacred, Lost, Empowerment) has been highly effective with a client who’s in hospice. The docs say he won’t live until the end of the year. I say he WILL LIVE! I’ve used the three ring protocol three times with him. He says it’s the strongest device I’ve used on him. And I’ve used all my tricks with this particular client. 🙂 But he said those three rings have done more for him than anything else I’ve done. Yesterday, I went through the ring treatment with him again…used much intention and prayer with it. He has been waking up through the night every hour on the hour. He urinates at these time with such force that he has to hold on to something to stabilize him. He said after the rings yesterday, he slept for two hour intervals which he hasn’t done in months…and, his urination was totally normal! He also said the sacred cubit and the cellular harmony rings when used in combination with the LED light my dad developed is keeping him alive right now. He wakes up and cannot breathe at all. When he puts the ring over the lung area and shines the light through the ring, he can get air in again. So I’m very thankful for what you’ve created. Your devices are already changing things for my clients. This hospice client is especially dear to me, so I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to help him via the new rings. Thank you again and have a Blessed New Year!!!  Dr. A, Michigan

A friend is waiting for me to deliver her ring (Sacred ring) and house kit (Meter Kit). My feet were hurting so I put them in the ring… yeah buddy!! I wanted to let know that Ellaleah wavered with her pain levels Sunday and Monday, slept with a copper ring on Monday night and after she was up 15 minutes she was fine and walking, went to school without crutches the last two days. I’m ordering two rings and 2 house kits for me next.                                            TTYL, Colorado

I must thank you for the 1 Sacred Cubit  3-beaded Tensor Ring.  I have been dealing with chronic pain issues for over 17 years, and in the last 2 years have experienced a deterioration in my right leg, creating increased pain and compromised mobility. Since receiving this Tensor Ring, I am already experiencing fabulous relief! I slip it over my leg and am able to drive without agony (“agony” is aptly used) and to sleep comfortably through the night for the first time in years. As an intuitive, I can sense that there is much more going on than just pain relief … it is apparent that there is a structural re-arrangement deep within me.  All this after less than a month’s use! The 3 other Tensor Ring products received from you have also been wonderful and transformative, for me and for others I’ve shared with.  During a gathering for guided meditation, one person put the 1.5 Lost Cubit Journey Ring over her head … her eyes got so big as she felt the energy, and she didn’t want to give it back until after our meditation, which she said was the most powerful she’d experienced in her 70+ years. Alan, I’m so very grateful for the profound work you are doing for the Planet and for Humanity. We need your tools more than ever, as each of us processes the bombardment of disparate energies during these changing times. They have made wonderful changes for me, in such a short time.       THANK YOU.                                         M H, Psychic Healer / Spiritual Counselor, Colorado

I have for myself the bracelets, have not installed electrical ring yet. My son is also using the sacred energy bracelet off and on. I feel fantastic using them and can quickly release negative energy also when it comes up. I do not like to wear them all the time but I do most days every day.   C M, Colorado

I hope this finds you well and happy! That copper ring around my meter and the shungite (Meter Kit) I put in my fuse box made an instant difference in attenuating the jagged energies in my home.  Thank you so much!   Thanks, B Z, Colorado

I got a Protect and Cleanse ring for my 10 year old daughter to wear to school. She immediately saw things shift with a couple of kids in her class which was a huge relief and boosted her confidence. I also have a Protection ring for myself, a Meter ring on my meter, a concentric protect ring in the girls bedroom, and rings on each phone, laptop and Kindle. I love knowing the EMF’s are being neutralized in my home and on our cell phones. I feel honored to have these knowing what goes into making them. Thank you Alan for assisting my family in such a large way. Best wishes, J D, Colorado

My degrees are in science with a master in chemistry.  I was very curious yet skeptical of the Joy copper bracelet I received from Alan. I decided to try it under my pillow because I have been having some personal issues and crying constantly. Ever since I put the bracelet near me, I have not shed a tear. Not one. I am truly amazed and now believe in it’s power.  It works! I didn’t believe in it until I gathered my own data. Thank you, P G, Colorado

Thank you Alan, I received more of your rings today. I met you at the metaphysical fair a few months ago and purchased 3 rings and a pendant at that time and love them!  I get many inquiries on the smaller ones I wear and love their energy, so I bought 3 more for gifts, haha.                      Thanks again,   L S, Colorado 

Thank you for my rings. I am highly sensitive this is what happened:-  My cat was all over  the Sacred pendant ring and sat in the big one before I wove the pendant in the mains of my horse. At first the frequencies felt so strong. My body was trying to figure out how to adjust to the environment. The new frequential environment that is. I felt a little giddy. I felt it in the core of the hara line (core that sits behind the chakras). So I lay down and let it do all adjustments. After a little while the adjustments continued and the body was calming. My gut is also readjusting and is trying to find its rhythm. I am sure there will be changes. My meridian channels are flowing.  My jaw is not hurting on one side. It usually did. I put the smaller rings on my laptop and my phone – I can hold the phone and not feel the emf off it. I could feel it when it was at my ear. The field went across to the other side.  And afterwards my brain felt foggy. No more now!!! 👏👏👏👏 I feel relief in my body. Thank you Alan for helping me and my animals. I recommended your products to a friend of mine .                                                                                       Best, C M, California

I wanted to tell you that even with a crazy life I have definitely felt a new calm with wearing the bracelet (Sacred) and with the one on our meter (Meter Kit)  at home!                 Thank You! N L, Idaho

I just wanted to share some really cool feedback with you after using my three new rings you made! (Sacred, Lost, Empowerment) I have been just in general feeling so much more “aligned” with myself! Things seem to materialize much quicker from a manifesting stance!   Great work you’re doing!  M G, Colorado

I think you are brilliant in what you do. Keep inventing more tools for us. I just need to understand them better.   T C, Oklahoma

Within 24 hours of application (Meter Kit), I received relief from the morning numbness in my fingers and hands which I have experienced upon awakening since 2012 installation of the smart meter on our property. Other attempts to offset the EMFs have had little impact — so I was thrilled to awaken “normally” the next day. In sharing my experience with a friend whose office sits in between two recently installed smart meters, she immediately ordered two rings and is grateful to once again be able to sit in her chair without EMF disturbances; she plans to gift each of her family members a ring for their residences. C N, Colorado. 

I have been using the three Journey Rings (Sacred, Lost, Empowerment) in my CranioSacral Therapy Practice since I bought them from you last year. I wanted to tell you how they seem to blend or harmonize with the energy with which I work, and create even better results than I have seen in previous years when I did not have them for my clients. I love the website, and read everything there so I could comprehend the meanings and purposes of the rings as I began to use them. Thanks for contributing to my knowledge about Scalar Energy and its’ uses!  Gratefully.  J R, Colorado, RNC, LMT CranioSacral Therapist

Thanks so much! I can tell a difference already. It feels so much more clear in here and I slept like a baby. I put the neck/back tensor ring (Sacred) under my pillow last night and have the bracelet up on my upper arm. I know they have made a difference, along with the ones on the phones(Phone set) and electrical meter (Meter Kit).  K K, Colorado

I bought some of your FreqE1 products . . I just wanted to let you know I love them! Besides wearing the bracelets, I also lay them on me at bed time, kind of how you would lay crystals on the body but I use the bracelets and sometimes add a crystal or two. Talk about relaxing me into deep sleep, I don’t think I have ever slept so sound. I thought I had vivid dreams before. I also notice if my sinuses are bothering me I put one around my neck or lay down with a bracelet over the area and immediately I can feel a difference. Even my cat Moomer likes them. He sits right in the middle of the Sacred copper ring and shungite I have placed on my router box. I don’t believe it is only because of warmth. He doesn’t knock them off he carefully situates himself in the middle. LOL animals know what is good for them too. I shared a photo of him sitting in the FreqE1 ring on my fb page. I may have to make another trip down for the chakra set. That is next on my wish list. Thank you so much! K M, Canada

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