The Quick Points:
• We do not need to know every aspect of Scalar science to appreciate and utilize the benefits.
• Max Planck Institute; Scalar Energy applied to living cells improves the bio-field and permeates body tissues.
• Brings relief to muscles and soft tissue injuries through production of compounds the body creates for healing.
• Exposed cells are more capable of absorbing nutrients and eliminating wastes and toxins.
• Can enhance the immune system and support the body’s ability to neutralize man-made electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s).
• Provides a zero-point vacuum field which neutralizes chaotic incoming signals and even unhealthy signals from our negative thoughts.
• Allows cells to utilize their own innate wisdom for self-healing.
• Cells’ contain Integral Membrane Proteins that respond to energy signals from the external and internal environment. Their biological behavior can be controlled by “invisible” energy forces.
• Continued use of Scalar imprinted tools have cumulative benefits to our mental, spiritual and physical well being.
Expanded Information:

A Compound 1/2 Sacred Cubit Ring
This page is intended to serve as a basic understanding of scalar energy, its effects and the many benefits the unique energy has to offer. Through my research I’ve developed at a multi-step process to infuse Quantum Scalar signature frequencies to Tensor field energy devices. Found tensor device artifacts have been dated from literally thousands of years ago. More history of Tensor devices is on another page of this site.
For most of us the topic of Quantum Scalar physics may seem unapproachable but we do not need to know every aspect of the science to appreciate and utilize their amazing benefits.
Studies conducted at Max Planck Institute showed that scalar energy when applied to living cells promoted unclumping of cells. When we experience diseases or any physical injuries there is swelling and stasis in blood and with the lymphatic circulation. Red and white cells tend to clump together. When scalar energy is applied to our body, the scalar wave both improves the bio-field radiating outside the body and works internally permeating the body’s tissues. This effect causes relaxation and dilation of the peripheral blood vessels in the body. This together with the unclumping of cells enhances overall circulation.
Scalar energy helps bring relief to muscles and soft tissue injuries through increased circulation and accelerated production of compounds the body creates for healing. The increased blood circulation delivers oxygen-rich blood to injured muscles helping to enhance the natural recovery process. With a reduction in tissue compression the swelling and pain associated with inflammation are reduced, thereby promoting healing. Scalar energy exposed cells become more capable of absorbing nutrients and eliminating wastes and toxins. By frequent exposure to scalar energy influence, stronger healthier cells are built and a higher level of energy in those cells develops which significantly enhances the performance and effectiveness of the immune system and our body’s ability to heal itself.
All of the cells in your body have a timed lifespan where they are replaced with newer cells with every passing moment as long as you are alive. Cells in the human body, when functioning at its maximum health potential, have an energy charge which ranges between 70-90 millivolts. Dis-ease and aging occur when the cellular energy depreciates to levels below this range. Benevolent Scalar Wave energy can enhance your immune system and support your body’s ability to neutralize man-made electromagnetic frequency (EMF) waves that surround us. Scalar Wave influences are cumulative. Increased exposure to benevolent Scalar Waves means a greater accumulation of the frequencies in your cells, which helps raise cells vibratory rate to the ideal 70 to 90 millivolt level.
Benevolent Scalar Waves provide a zero-point or vacuum field of unlimited potential. This field neutralizes chaotic incoming signals from the environment (as in EMF’s) and even unhealthy signals from our own negative thoughts, thereby allowing cells to utilize their own innate wisdom for self-healing. The human body knows how to heal itself given the opportunity when not hindered by external invading influences from our 3rd dimension or negative thought patterns. This self-healing ability is one of the magic-like aspects of the human species.
Much of contemporary cell research is dependent upon the principles of quantum physics where it has been discovered that literally everything in our world is created out of energy. Researchers have demonstrated that our cells’ membranes contain special proteins called Integral Membrane Proteins that respond to energy signals from the external and internal environment. These are important findings because they acknowledge that biological behavior can be controlled by “invisible” energy forces.
Matter itself is compressed energy. It is compressed by the same factor as scalar energy is compressed in time. So the discovery of scalar electromagnetics is that we can tap and use the immense energy existing in the ocean of time. Sounds like out of the future science fiction but Tesla worked with Scalar Waves a hundred years ago. Only in the last few decades are the benefits being publicly shared. Now during our lifetime anyone can easily make use of the benefits.
From a Quantum Physics perspective everything in the 3rd dimension, including our physical body, is energy vibrating at a very dense frequency. While in our physical body the soul is having a physical experience as an energy being and consciousness is seen as a unified field where everything is a pure field of awareness. When we consider this “awareness” on a soul level we come to understand we are not “our body” but the body as a vehicle for an experience on this 3rd dimensional plane called earth. In this new field of consideration, where consciousness is seen as a unified field where everything is a part of everything else, the concept of “all” is a pure field of awareness, consciousness.
With continued personal use of Scalar infused tools ongoing frequency assimilation takes place with your body for the cumulative benefits. The frequencies can have wonderous benefits to our mental, spiritual and physical states of well being. Traditional science techniques are slow in quantifying Scalar Waves but this energy source does indeed exist, hence the “other dimensional” quality designation by some researchers. Sounds unbelievable but this is the Wave of the future.