1/4 Lost 4 wire ring, double terminated Brazilian Quartz



This 4 wire 1/4 Lost Journey Ring w/ Quartz Double Terminated Brazilian Quartz Points amplifies energy and intention from both ends at the same time. Quartz transmutes negative energies, promoting higher vibrations for your well being. Quartz raises consciousness towards enlightenment and purifies on all levels avoiding stagnation, connects with higher realms or with the higher self. Use with the Third Eye to increase telepathic abilities. Clear Quartz repels negative energy and helps with clarity of thought.

All Lost Journey Rings are electronically infused with frequencies; 177Hz, 432Hz, 528Hz, 963Hz, 10,000Hz and two other proprietary frequencies for protection from invasive entities. Lost Journey Rings work with our emotional and etheric bodies to bridge the gap between thought and manifestation. This ring is a tool for manifestation. It is called ‘lost’ because it was removed from public knowledge during Medieval times. We now know our conscious emotional thoughts affect our DNA. Consider this device during contemplation for it also amplifies emotional states. If in joy, greater joy may follow. If irritable then expect this to amplify also, etc, etc. Intention is the building block of the outcome, use this powerful tool with discernment.

All pendants come with a finely braided neck cord.